Saturday, February 21, 2009

Coming Soon

Hi, My Name is .......... Okay, that's not important right now. What is important is the purpose of this blog. In two weeks I will be moving from my beloved New York Metro Region (Connecticut Born and Bred, now a true New Yorker) to land of Sun, Movies, Botox, Smog, Dr Dre and Yoga.

First, what I hope to do with this blog is to let my friends back east know just how strange and exotic the whole Los Angeles universe is. A place where seasons are virtually non-existent, public transportation is a joke and where a guy who became famous for posing in a Speedo is the governor is going to seem like a parallel universe.

Second, the purpose of this blog is also spiritual. Personally, I've found that sometimes God has to take us to a foreign land in order to get our attention. Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, David grew into the man after God's own heart while on the run from King Saul and Moses met God while living on the lam herding sheep. And my personal favorite, Jacob became the patriarch of the children of Israel after the Lord beat him senseless into the desert (literally, He dislocated the guy's hip). So, I'll be blogging about where and what the Lord is doing for me. Hopefully, he won't dislocate any physical joints, but I expect to grow a lot when its just me and God for a few months.

Anyway, I'll start blogging once I'm settled in Hollywood. Peace and Love.